
Personal Leadership and Management Development


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Personal leadership aims at building up the capabilities and skills of managers and employees by providing training in different management groups. Personal Leadership and Management Development help in developing effective leadership styles, managing high performances, sustaining continuous growth, etc (Lussier and Achua, 2015). It also assists in entering new markets sectors and regions. Four Pillars Hotel is a UK-based hotel with six hotels in Oxford. It operates in the 3- and 4-star hospitality sector (Four Pillars Hotels, 2015). This report will include an evaluation of leadership and management skills that are required to achieve organizational goals. It will further discuss the ability to manage personal leadership and management skills to support the achievement of the chosen organization's objectives. After that, the effectiveness of personal development plans for developing management and leadership skills will be evaluated.

Task 1

1.1 Evaluation of the Impact of Firm Goals, Culture, and Values on Leadership and Management Role

Impact of Goals and Culture on Leadership Roles There are various ranges of cultures that have an impact on organizations. They are related to innovation, output-oriented, team-oriented, as well people-oriented. All these have different impacts on the organization. For example, innovation leads to an increase in the creativity and production of the firm's input. Similarly, a people-oriented culture helps in motivating employees to give their best. Output-oriented culture is related to productivity and results in increasing the productivity of Four Pillar Hotel. Four pillars have various cultural values, such as being committed to the teams. That is, the members and workers of the chosen hospitality sector follow large teamwork by contributing through small groups. This helps the leader of the four-pillar hotel to perform its role effectively (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). Various roles are to be performed by the leader, such as controlling organizational performances and motivating employees. It also leads to evaluation, innovation, development, and controlling tasks for achieving the ultimate goal of customer satisfaction. Teamwork and good employee relations impact leadership as they help in achieving the vision and mission of the organization. Good team culture and employee-employer relationships help in smooth functioning and make it easier for leaders to perform their respective activities (Chhokar et al., 2013).

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Impact of Objectives, cultures, and Values on Management Roles Various organizational objectives have an impact on management roles. They are financial, customer-focused, and product-focused. For example, financial objectives lead to impact leadership roles by increasing pressure on leaders to accomplish the financial objectives of the firm. Also, consumer focus is one of the most important objectives that is required to be fulfilled to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. A manager working in the hospitality sector is required to perform various functions, such as managing business and applying good business practices that are relevant to profitability. He is also required to perform industry-specific training relating to risk management as well as statutory compliance (Mc Cleary et al., 2013). Accountancy and administration are also fundamental roles of the management in Four Pillar Hotel. A manager is also a person who cannot perform all these functions by himself; he requires the support of his team members and subordinates to achieve his goals. The culture followed in the Four Pillar Hotel motivates the employees to work in teams (Four Pillars Hotels, 2015). Also, they are trained well to perform individually if required in any situation.

To welcome their customers, they have adopted various methods to make them comfortable. Always takes care of their customers to meet their requirements. The culture followed by the Four Pillar Hotel is a very enthusiastic and energetic process that helps its all members to achieve the goals of the team. With the help of this teamwork, a manager is not required to focus on employees' tasks and control them (Hallinger and Wang, 2015). It can look at commerce and other sections of the Hotel to ensure effective workings. When the tasks are being done collectively, then it is easier to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization's leaders and its managers.

1.2 Evaluation of Leadership and Management Skills to Achieve Goals

Following are the leadership skills required to achieve chosen organizational goals:

Communication: A leader is required to have effective communication skills. He is required to communicate its subordinates about the goals and objectives of the chosen hospitality firm (Yen and Teng, 2013). For that, the leader is required to have good verbal as well as written communication skills to make workers understand their work. Communication skills play an important role at times of giving directions to subordinates to a leader. Effective communication helps in maintaining coordination and discipline in the organization.

Organization: This is another effective skill that leaders should possess. It helps leaders in planning strategies and objectives for their teams to give quality output. Following goals and plans helps the team to complete their task effectively and efficiently (Hon and Chan, 2013). A situation in which organizational skill is required to be there in the leader is at the time of making business decisions as well as for making future objectives for the company.

Confidence: This is an important skill that is required to be a leader while working in a team. In this, the leader should have confidence in himself as well as in his team's members (The 10 Effective Qualities of a Team Leader, 2016). It helps in motivating subordinates and teams and leads to self-confidence. It further helps in achieving the task on time. If the leader or subordinates are confident about their work, then it leads to enthusiasm and an energetic environment in the firm. It leads to an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the working of employees of the firm.

Fairness & Integrity: Team leaders should treat their team members equally and fairly. Any partiality will lead to conflicts among the teams. Leaders should maintain integrity within the team and should open up with each member of the organization or the team (Jaiswal and Dhar, 2016). The situation where fairness and integrity skills are required by the leader is at the time of assigning jobs to subordinates of different departments. This skill will help it in making fair decisions about employees who are working under him.

Delegation & Facilitator: The team leader should know how to represent her leadership. It helps the team members to focus on improving functions and performances. Team leaders should be effective facilitators; that is, they must understand their employees and team members about the organizational goals and objectives. The situation under which delegation and facilitator skills are required by a leader is at the time of performance appraisal and evaluation. This skill helps the leader in a fair and accurate evaluation of the performance.

The following are the management skills required to achieve organizational goals and objectives:

Self-motivation: The manager of Four Pillar Hotel is required to be self-motivated and integrated. If the manager is motivated, employees will also get motivated and will work enthusiastically (Pereira-Moliner et al., 2012). The situation in which a self-motivated leader plays an important role is at their time of nearer deadlines as well as at times of pressure and burden over employees.

Knowledgeable: The manager should know hospitality industries and various competitive organizations. It is also required to know basic money management, business hierarchies, and legal complications in the business (Wu et al., 2013). At the time of completing legal formalities, if the manager is a knowledgeable person. Then it helps guide its employees in completing formalities. Also, this skill helps in giving competition to rivals in the markets.

Good Communication skills: The manager of Four Pillar Hotel is required to have good written and oral communication skills. Along with that, the manager should also be a good listener and should be able to represent the organization (Kirkman et al., 2016). The situations in which strong communication skills of a leader help the company are at the time of direction and it is required to learn various complaints of employees and customers during the business year.

Relationship Qualities: The manager is required to have the following characteristics: a good mediator, a team player, and respects and values others (Quintana, Park, and Cabrera, 2015). The situations in which a good relational leader plays an important role are at the time of making personal relations with employees. Along with that, it also helps in motivating employees to give their best in their particular jobs.

1.3 Assessing Personal Leadership and Management Skills and Identifying Required Developments

While assessing my management and personal skills, I came to know about various skills of mine. To work as a manager at Four Pillars Hotel, various skills are required for me to achieve organizational objectives.

Following is the assessment of my leadership and management skills:

Communication: A leader should have good communication as well as listening skills.  It is important to make quick and effective relations with the subordinates. It leads to motivating the employees to form friendly relations within the firm. I have good written skills, but I need to work on my verbal communication as well as my listening skills to improve the working environment and compliance process of the company.

Self-motivated: A self-motivated leader enhances the confidence and motivation level of his subordinates. I have good self-motivation skills to increase the level of motivation among employees during the working period.

Relationship Qualities: I can well manage the team, and even I can act as a good mediator between hierarchies of the organization. This will further help me in building understanding among the employees, and they should not hesitate while discussing any queries.

The main goals and objectives of Four Pillar Hotel are to greet its customers with care and to create a respectful environment in the organization. Further, there are the following characteristics that I need to develop in myself to achieve leadership at the Four Pillar Hotel:

Communication skills are required for communicating information to subordinates about their task and goals to be achieved. To achieve a position of leader at Four Pillar Hotel, I need to focus on my communication skills. I need to improve my verbal communication and confidence level. Further, I need to learn integrity and influential techniques. Another important characteristic that I need to develop in myself is negotiation. Negotiation with the leader leads to an effective decision-making process and also helps in solving problems in the interest of workers. Also, to develop the following skills, I need to polish my listening skills along with my communication skills to improve the working environment and understanding between me and my subordinates.

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Task 2

2.1 Assessing Opportunities for the Development of Leadership and Management Skills

For developing my management and leadership skills, I look forward to various opportunities, such as:

Workshops: For developing my verbal communication skills, I can go with shadowing; I can read magazines. Also can communicate with expert persons. I can also attend workshops to improve my integrity techniques.

Seminars: Seminars are also opportunities through which I can improve my negotiation skills. This opportunity can also help me acquire knowledge about the company and its functions. 
To develop my communication skills, I have various opportunities in front of me, such as attending workshops, reading novels and magazines, and also, I can go for shadowing techniques to improve my communication as well as listening skills.

Course: I am studying a management course that also helps me learn about leadership qualities and requirements. Further, this can be an opportunity for me to improve my leadership style.

Current job: Currently, I am studying a management course and further preparing myself for the leadership post at Four Pillar Hotel.

2.2 Constructing a Plan to Develop Leadership and Management Skills

Objectives Activities Resources Time Scale Monitoring and Reviewing
To improve verbal communication skills. I can improve my communication skills by attending various workshops. I can improve my communication by the use of shadowing, magazines, etc. 6-8 months After completing 8 months, I can go for a presentation or for giving a lesson. By this, I can easily evaluate whether I have overcome my communication weaknesses or not.
To develop integrity and influential skills I can attend seminars to improve my integrity and influential skills in treating people equally and fairly. I can start practicing it with the people whom I meet daily. You can also develop this skill by reading various examples and autobiographies of leading organizational leaders. 1 year After completing 1 year, I can take feedback from my colleagues regarding my integrity and influential skills.
To improve negotiation skills I can improve my negotiation skills in making effective decisions by attending seminars. I can improve my decision-making skills by listening to the experiences of expert leaders. Also, I can go through various case studies involved in decision-making. 8-12 months Here, after completing 8-12 months, I will ask teachers and seniors to give their feedback about my negotiation skills.

2.3 Managing Personal Development of Leadership and Management Skills

I have managed my personal development of leadership and management skills, respectively. The first objective of my plan was to improve my communication skills. Communication skills are important for a leader to communicate information in the organization. Information can be communicated either in writing or verbally. I have written communication skills but wanted to work on verbal communication skills. To improve my verbal communication skills, I have attended various workshops. Also, I have developed the habit of shadowing and reading daily. The second objective of my plan was to improve my integrity and influential skills. These skills are required by the leader to treat his team members equally and fairly with no biases. To improve this skill, I have gone through various seminars based on integrity sessions. Along with attending seminars, I have also started reading autobiographies of leading organizational leaders. At last, the third objective for preparing the plan was to improve my negotiation skills. Negotiation skills involve decision-making skills, which is important for a leader to manage organizational activities. To learn negotiation skills, I have attended various seminars on effective decision-making. Also, it developed my listening power, which is essential for decision-making. Further, I have also solved various related case studies based on decision-making.

Task 3

3.1 Reviewing Personal Development Plans Against Original Objectives

My original objective was to achieve a leadership position in the Four Pillars hospitality firm. To achieve my goal previously, I had prepared a development plan. The objectives were to improve my communication, influence, and integrity, as well as my negotiation skills. To develop such skills, I have made plans to further work on my skills. While developing the plant, I came to know the requirements of leadership and management skills. To achieve those requirements, the plan was made and implemented. On reassessing the plan, I came to know that I have improved my influence and integrity skills. But still want some developments on the part of communication skills as well as negotiation skills.

To improve the mentioned skills, I adopted various strategies. To improve my influence as well as integrity skills, I went through various seminars. Also, I have read various case studies and related autobiographies, which have helped me develop integrity and influential skills. However, I did not achieve impressive results from the plans implemented for the improvement of my communication and negotiation skills. I had gone through various workshops for improving my verbal communication part and also had adopted habits of shadowing and reading to improve verbal communication. But I'm not satisfied with the achieved results. Thirdly, to improve my negotiation skills, I have attended various seminars and gone through previous case studies. But I am still able to negotiate effectively.

I recently came to know that I have not achieved impressive results from workshops and seminars that I have attended to improve my communication skills. I came to know that the presentation taken by me had not gotten impressive results and feedback. Also, my seniors have not given me positive feedback regarding my negotiation skills. I will now change my methods, as they have not given me the final results.

3.2 Evaluation of Effectiveness on Personal Development Leadership and Management Skills

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personal development leadership and management are as follows:

To achieve influential and integrity skills, I planned various activities, such as attending seminars, and also implemented the habit of reading case studies and practicing it on the people whom I met daily. I also developed this skill by reading various related examples and autobiographies of leading organizational leaders. These activities helped me in achieving integrity and influential skills effectively. Recently, I have conducted sessions with my juniors on leadership and also conducted an activity for them that has helped me find that my integrity and influential skills have been improved than before. So, I came to know that reading autobiographies had helped to further tackle such situations in life. However, reading habits case studies, and examples had helped me more in gaining knowledge. Attending seminars was not that effective practice for achieving this integrity and influential skills.

On the other hand, various practices were added to my plan to improve my negotiation skills, such as attending seminars and hearing the experiences of expert leaders. I have gone through various case studies involved in decision-making. However, on evaluation, I came to know that listening to expert experiences had not helped me in improving my negotiation skills. This I came to know through my seniors and teachers. They have given strong feedback on the presentation that has been given to them. By that, I came to know their responses, which were not as impressive as they needed to have. However, seminars and past case studies were effective in assisting me to gain knowledge about it.

Thirdly, I also added various practices to build up my verbal communication skills, such as attending workshops. I also adopted the daily habit of shadowing and reading magazines to improve my verbal communication. I got to know that shadowing and reading were helpful approaches. I came to learn about my communication skills while giving presentations. That shadowing had helped in a way but more improvement is required to be made. However, on further evaluation, I am not satisfied with the results. Attending workshops had not helped me improve my communication skills.

3.3 Analysis of Further Development Areas and Updating Development Plan

After evaluation, I came to know that I need to do further development in my plans as I have not achieved effective communication and negotiation skills. On evaluation, I found that some activities are not giving results in achieving my goals. Such as workshops had not helped me to improve my communication skills and seminars had not helped me in achieving effective negotiation skills. To improve my negotiation and communication skills, I need to further update my plans and activities. I need to add various other activities to improve my communication and negotiation skills.

Objectives Activities Resources
To improve verbal communication skills To improve my verbal communication, I can join English-speaking classes. I can improve my communication by the use of shadowing, magazines, etc. Along with that, I can also develop a habit of interacting with individuals and groups to improve my fluency in English. While going for coaching, all I will need to have is a paper, a pen, and a vehicle to reach over there.
To improve negotiation skills I can improve my negotiation skills by taking positions of responsibility in social organizations and clubs. I can improve my decision-making skills by listening to the experiences of expert leaders. Also, I can go through various case studies involved in decision-making. Along with these practices, I can also go with management and skill development classes to achieve negotiation skills. For this, I will require various resources, such as paper pens, to complete the work. Also, I will require a vehicle for this. 


This report is based on personal leadership and management skills. Analyzed the impact of organizational objectives of treating its guests with care and maintaining staff respect for its leader and managers. Various leadership and management skills are Communication, Organization, Confidence, Self-Motivation, Relationship Qualities, etc. required for achieving organizational goals. I Assessed my personal leadership and management skills of self-motivation, relationship qualities, etc. that are required in achieving organizational objectives. Various opportunities for further development of skills are reading and attending seminars and workshops. Further, I developed a plan for implementing the opportunities to improve communication, integrity, as well as negotiation skills. The personal development plan has been reviewed to find out that the objectives have been achieved. I evaluated the effectiveness of integrity and communication skills that are required to be improved. I analyzed inefficiencies and further developed a modified plan to improve communication and negotiation skills.

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  • Chhokar, J. S., and et al., 2013. Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Routledge.
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  • Hon, A. H. and Chan, W. W., 2013. Team creative performance has the roles of empowering leadership, creative-related motivation, and task interdependence. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 54(2). pp. 199-210.
  • Jaiswal, D., and Dhar, R. L. (2016). Impact of perceived organizational support, psychological empowerment, and leader-member exchange on commitment and its subsequent impact on service quality. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 65(1). pp. 58-79.
  • Kirkman, B. L., et al., 2016. Culture and teams. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8. pp. 137-142.
  • Lussier, R. and Achua, C., 2015. Leadership: Theory, application, & skill development. Nelson Education. (intro)
  • Mc Cleary, and et al., 2013. Leadership: A relevant and realistic role for principals. Routledge.
  • Pereira-Moliner, J., and et al., 2012. Quality management, environmental management, and firm performance: direct and mediating effects in the hotel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production. 37. pp. 82-92.
  • Quintana, T. A., Park, S. and Cabrera, Y. A., 2015. Assessing the effects of leadership styles on employees' outcomes in international luxury hotels. Journal of Business Ethics. 129(2). pp. 469-489.
  • Wu, L. Z., and et al., 2013. The impact of servant leadership on hotel employees. Servant behavior. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 54(4). pp. 383-395.
  • Yen, C. H. and Teng, H. Y., 2013. The effect of centralization on organizational citizenship behavior and deviant workplace behavior in the hospitality industry. Tourism Management. 36. pp. 401-410.

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